SFE Fund Platform

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 SFE Fund Platform investment capabilities are at the centre of delivering what matters most to our clients, be that consistent income, growing investment returns or investing in a way that helps society and respects the environment.

Our global vision induces us to consider our client different from each other. From working globally with the largest financial institutions to helping clients save regularly for a more prosperous future, we manage all scenarios. To do this, our business is structured around a number of strategic capabilities which combine to meet the needs of the investor.

We basically offer a dedicated Fund Platform established to assist our clients in exploring and developing European and Overseas markets and promoting domestic and international investments.

SFE Fund Platform comprises two funds: (a) a Maltese Professional Investment Fund (PIF) which provides support to organizations to undertake projects in relevant areas. The PIF can assist Maltese and international client in general or in specific sectors; and (b) a Luxembourg Specialized Investment Fund (SIF), which provides support to enterprises assisting them in real estate and energy projects.

The platform works providing clients with dedicated sub-funds completely segregated and included in an umbrella closed-end fund.
